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Educational and vocational guidance
Group and specific counseling sessions in class
Annual competition for the best personal project
Largest annual trades and guidance forum
Personal development coaching sessions
Nearly 200 advisers, coaches and speakers each year
. Inform young pupils about all the possibilities available to them
. Advise them continuously in their school choices
. Support them in their career choices
. Assist them in university registration procedures
The Sanady Foundation offers its pupils a guidance system which begins in the second year of middle school and which accompanies them throughout their journey. The guidance program is provided by a team of guidance counselors who aim to support pupils in their choice of studies and career, to inform them about the different professions and the trainings that prepare them, and to help them to develop their professional project.
. Pupils are met regularly by the team of counselors. Collective sessions are organized 3 times a year for each group.
. Each pupil benefits from at least 2 individual interviews per year during which he is encouraged to project himself into the future, to set goals, to better define them along the way and to set up actions to achieve them.
As part of the guidance program, the Sanady Foundation organizes each year, in Agadir and Casablanca, the "Trades and Guidance Forum" for the benefit of the 2nd and 3rd year pupils of the high school.
The main objective is to give them visibility on the existing courses and subjects of study and to make them discover trades through meeting with professionals in the following fields: Health, agriculture, security, new information and communication technologies, engineering and technical trades, economy and management, education.
… While contributing to the development of the promising sectors of our country?
… While contributing to the development of the promising sectors of our country?